Categoría: Sin categoría

  • Seal of Excellence for LYTEX

    Seal of Excellence for LYTEX

    ​DESINOPE’s project “Sustainable use of ligno-cellulosic waste in textile applications (LYTEX)”, submitted under the Horizon 2020’s SME instrument Call in the “SMEInst-07-2016-2017: stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors”, was scored as a high-quality project proposal in a highly competitive evaluation process, and recommended for funding,…

  • Improving footwear sizing algorithm

    Improving footwear sizing algorithm

    We are close to start our summer data collection campaign, to collect enough data to be able to feed, test and improve our novel development of an automatic sizing algorithm for a Spanish footwear manufacturer, who intent to use it to minimize their rejections of online sales due to incorrectly sizing. We will scan feet…

  • ICT solutions for music score smart recognition

    ICT solutions for music score smart recognition

    DESINOPE is collaborating with the Software and Computing Systems Department of University of Alicante, developing novel ICT solutions for valorizing the heritage register of music from the 16th and 18th centuries, by exploiting the digital resources of these collections, both in the field of European and Hispanic Music.

  • Customizable consumer goods co-design tool showed in Brussels

    Customizable consumer goods co-design tool showed in Brussels

    We have been in Brussels, at the 12th Anual Public Conference of the European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing, presenting with one of our clients the evolution of an innovative co-design tool for customizable consumer goods, and their integration in an e-commerce platform, together with high-end fashion, textile and garments ICT solutions.

  • Sharing gasification improvements in Helsinki

    Sharing gasification improvements in Helsinki

    We are at the ACI’s 6th Annual Gasification Summit, taking palce in Helsinki, where we are exploring new opportunitites for environmental friendly European gasification technologies, and discussing with worldwide potential clients the installation of 0,5 to 2mW gasification plants.

  • Systemic eco-innovative approaches for the Circular Economy

    Systemic eco-innovative approaches for the Circular Economy

    We have joined forces with a manufacturer of Technical Flooring solutions for gyms and leisure areas, applying innovative ICT solutions (Fitness SW and tile-integrated HW: sensing and lighting) to their catalogue of eco-friendly flooring solutions, made of 40% of recycled materials. We have just been in a Workshop organized by Aachen University in collaboration with…

  • Fashion design-based consumer goods are looking for new ICT solutions

    Fashion design-based consumer goods are looking for new ICT solutions

    The design-driven consumer goods represent a substantial part of European economy: the targeted industrial sectors represent a total annual turnover of 500BN €, employing 5 million people in more than 500.000 companies across Europe. A good indicator of the increasing interest in personalizable items purchase is the fact that more than 35% of online consumers…