Participating in the MCPC 2017

We have been in Aachen, presenting a conference at the session “MCP for Apparel and Textiles” of the 2017 Mass Customization & Personalization Conference, and authoring one of the articles of the Congress proceeding’s book.

MCPC is a biannual international conference where converge researchers and business leaders to discuss the future of customized consumer goods. This edition of the conference was focused on the topic “Customization 4.0 – Elevating mass customization to a new level”, with presentations made by industry leaders as Philips, Adidas, or Ford Motor, and by influential authors, like Joseph Pine, and renowned researchers, like Frank T. Piller.

One of the most important conclusions of the Congress was the unstoppable rise of personalization as an integral part of the consumer goods business, massively demanded by the clients but still with many issues to resolve, especially in relation to manufacturing processes.