Categoría: Sin categoría

  • DESINOPE en el programa «TICs Cámaras»

    DESINOPE en el programa «TICs Cámaras»

    DESINOPE ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, cuyo objetivo es mejorar el uso y la calidad de las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones y el acceso a las mismas, y gracias al que ha realizado el proyecto “Comercio Electrónico” para la mejora de competitividad y productividad de la empresa,…

  • DESINOPE providing support to EU COSME project myShopNET

    DESINOPE providing support to EU COSME project myShopNET

    DESINOPE is providing support to the European project myShopNET – Personalized Consumer Goods e-Commerce Platform, for the establishment of Business Driving Technologies, during the final phase of the project at the second year of development.

  • DESINOPE desarrolla innovadoras tecnologías de tratamiento de residuos

    DESINOPE desarrolla innovadoras tecnologías de tratamiento de residuos

    A finales de abril, DESINOPE ha firmado un contrato con el Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial – CDTI (dependiente del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades), para el desarrollo de una innovadora tecnología para el tratamiento sostenible de residuos, en el projecto DETRos.

  • DESINOPE at CES Las Vegas

    DESINOPE at CES Las Vegas

    At the beginning of January, DESINOPE attended the international fair CES 2018 at Las Vegas (USA), the world’s gathering place for the business of consumer technologies, having productive meetings with plenty of business leaders and pioneering thinkers who presented hundreds of breakthrough technologies and next-generation innovations, looking to be introduced to the marketplace. Even considering…

  • Participating in the MCPC 2017

    Participating in the MCPC 2017

    We have been in Aachen, presenting a conference at the session “MCP for Apparel and Textiles” of the 2017 Mass Customization & Personalization Conference, and authoring one of the articles of the Congress proceeding’s book. MCPC is a biannual international conference where converge researchers and business leaders to discuss the future of customized consumer goods.…

  • DESINOPE at the inauguration of EUROFINS Elche

    DESINOPE at the inauguration of EUROFINS Elche

    DESINOPE was invited to the inauguration of the facilities of EUROFINS in Elche’s Business Park. As active participants in laboratory activities, both in terms of technical advice and training, as well as in the installation or provision of services from units such as the Material Innovation Lab, DESINOPE welcomes the opening of EUROFINS facilities in Torrellano…

  • DESINOPE provides technical expertise to Latin American fashion sector

    DESINOPE provides technical expertise to Latin American fashion sector

    During the end of September and the beginning of October, DESINOPE has started the installation of footwear, leather and textile Test Laboratories in different countries of South America. The technicians from DESINOPE have put their experience to attend the requirements of the fashion sector in Latin America, providing technical assistance for the assembly of laboratories,…

  • Cooperation with the University of Alicante

    Cooperation with the University of Alicante

    DESINOPE has signed a Cooperation Agreement with the University of Alicante (UA), with the aim of enabling the students of UA to carry out external formative practices, curricular or extracurricular, in our company. Thanks to this agreement, DESINOPE will be able to offer internships for students of any of the UA degrees, thus allowing the…

  • Seal of Excellence for LYTEX

    Seal of Excellence for LYTEX

    ​DESINOPE’s project “Sustainable use of ligno-cellulosic waste in textile applications (LYTEX)”, submitted under the Horizon 2020’s SME instrument Call in the “SMEInst-07-2016-2017: stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors”, was scored as a high-quality project proposal in a highly competitive evaluation process, and recommended for funding,…

  • Improving footwear sizing algorithm

    Improving footwear sizing algorithm

    We are close to start our summer data collection campaign, to collect enough data to be able to feed, test and improve our novel development of an automatic sizing algorithm for a Spanish footwear manufacturer, who intent to use it to minimize their rejections of online sales due to incorrectly sizing. We will scan feet…