Systemic eco-innovative approaches for the Circular Economy
We have joined forces with a manufacturer of Technical Flooring solutions for gyms and leisure areas, applying innovative ICT solutions (Fitness SW and tile-integrated HW: sensing and lighting) to their catalogue of eco-friendly flooring solutions, made of 40% of recycled materials. We have just been in a Workshop organized by Aachen University in collaboration with…
Wir haben uns mit einem Hersteller von technischen Bodenbelagslösungen für Fitnessstudios und Freizeitbereiche zusammengetan und innovative IKT-Lösungen (Fitness-SW und fliesenintegrierte HW: Sensorik und Beleuchtung) in seinen Katalog umweltfreundlicher Bodenbelagslösungen aufgenommen, die zu 40 % aus recycelten Materialien bestehen. Wir haben gerade an einem Workshop teilgenommen, der von der Universität Aachen in Zusammenarbeit mit ITeC in…
Systemic eco-innovative approaches for the Circular Economy
We have joined forces with a manufacturer of Technical Flooring solutions for gyms and leisure areas, applying innovative ICT solutions (Fitness SW and tile-integrated HW: sensing and lighting) to their catalogue of eco-friendly flooring solutions, made of 40% of recycled materials. We have just been in a Workshop organized by Aachen University in collaboration with…
Systemic eco-innovative approaches for the Circular Economy
We have joined forces with a manufacturer of Technical Flooring solutions for gyms and leisure areas, applying innovative ICT solutions (Fitness SW and tile-integrated HW: sensing and lighting) to their catalogue of eco-friendly flooring solutions, made of 40% of recycled materials. We have just been in a Workshop organized by Aachen University in collaboration with…
Fashion design-based consumer goods are looking for new ICT solutions
The design-driven consumer goods represent a substantial part of European economy: the targeted industrial sectors represent a total annual turnover of 500BN €, employing 5 million people in more than 500.000 companies across Europe. A good indicator of the increasing interest in personalizable items purchase is the fact that more than 35% of online consumers…
Fashion design-based consumer goods are looking for new ICT solutions
The design-driven consumer goods represent a substantial part of European economy: the targeted industrial sectors represent a total annual turnover of 500BN €, employing 5 million people in more than 500.000 companies across Europe. A good indicator of the increasing interest in personalizable items purchase is the fact that more than 35% of online consumers…
Fashion design-based consumer goods are looking for new ICT solutions
The design-driven consumer goods represent a substantial part of European economy: the targeted industrial sectors represent a total annual turnover of 500BN €, employing 5 million people in more than 500.000 companies across Europe. A good indicator of the increasing interest in personalizable items purchase is the fact that more than 35% of online consumers…
Die designorientierten Konsumgüter stellen einen wesentlichen Teil der europäischen Wirtschaft dar: Die anvisierten Industriesektoren repräsentieren einen jährlichen Gesamtumsatz von 500 Mrd. € und beschäftigen 5 Millionen Menschen in mehr als 500.000 Unternehmen in ganz Europa. Ein guter Indikator für das steigende Interesse am Kauf personalisierbarer Artikel ist die Tatsache, dass mehr als 35 % der…
Fashion design-based consumer goods are looking for new ICT solutions
The design-driven consumer goods represent a substantial part of European economy: the targeted industrial sectors represent a total annual turnover of 500BN €, employing 5 million people in more than 500.000 companies across Europe. A good indicator of the increasing interest in personalizable items purchase is the fact that more than 35% of online consumers…
Fashion design-based consumer goods are looking for new ICT solutions
The design-driven consumer goods represent a substantial part of European economy: the targeted industrial sectors represent a total annual turnover of 500BN €, employing 5 million people in more than 500.000 companies across Europe. A good indicator of the increasing interest in personalizable items purchase is the fact that more than 35% of online consumers…